Information about the New Zealand College of Midwives and maternity care in New Zealand.
Janet Balaskas, founder of the Active Birth movement .
web site devoted to waterbirth.
New Zealand's home birth website. For more information about home birth, and to find your local association.
Website of Maggie Banks, a Waikato-based midwife, educator and author. You can order her books plus others through this website.
By Lina Clerke, Australian midwife and childbirth educator. Good selection of links to interesting articles on natural birth.
For women and midwives interested in "creative birth & birth choices" – great articles!
NZ Action on Pre-Eclampsia
This is a very useful website with accurate up to date information about Pre-Eclampsia. It is essential that every pregnant woman understands a little about this condition.
The childbirth section suggests positions for labour and tips for coping at each stage. Also discusses the pros and cons of common medical Interventions.
A website with useful tips on getting baby into the best position for birth
Suppliers of The Pink Kit, a resource to give you the skills and information you need to help prepare for a natural birth with confidence.
Information about vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC).
Order your H2Oh Baby! Portable birth-pool kit from here.
For information about food safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding specific to New Zealand.
La Leche League New Zealand, the experts in breastfeeding – by mothers for mothers.
All about breastfeeding!
New Zealand based agency set up to provide education and support for families on optimal child development and attachement.
Information on post-natal depression.
Information and support for women suffering after a traumatic birth experience.
Parent to Parent is a support and information network for parents of children with special needs.
The websites listed are women-friendly sites which provide more information on various aspects of childbirth. They are not endorsed by and do not necessarily represent the views of the New Zealand College of Midwives or Your Choice Midwives.
Tandem Photography
All photographs on this website kindly supplied by Katherine & Neil Williams. Contact them for all your photography needs at